Weekly Bookmarks
58th Edition — March 15, 2020
Time to Revisit Scenario Planning?
Remember the first financial models you created earlier in your career? You generally had three scenarios – best case, worst case, and likely case. In light of the current pandemic, Bruce Reed and Mark Gandy revisit scenario planning and a few strong practices to amp up your models.
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All I can say is, “Wow.” Kate McKeown is an amazing person and this business historian marvels at Kate’s business background. Kate is the co-author of Beyond IBM, and she co-wrote it with the late Lou Mobley.
[Read more…] about A Chat With Kate McKeownThe Inaugural Show
After going live with CFO Bookshelf about a year ago, it’s time now to go audio. In our very first episode, we mention a few book suggestions and Bruce Reed, the CFO of PracticeLink, joins Mark to talk about why financial leaders should read.
[Read more…] about The Inaugural ShowBook Suggestions from a Stats Guru
As a financial leader, I like reading cross-domain content from analysts in other fields. That’s why I like reading content at Quality Digest. While I’ve read most of Donald Wheeler’s articles, I’ve become a fan of Davis Balestracci. He’s readable, informative, and relatable.
[Read more…] about Book Suggestions from a Stats GuruStrategy Frameworks
What do you get when you mix a McKinsey alum, a great writer, a creative problem solver, and a person who can take complex abstractions, and boil them into simple frameworks? That’s easy. His name is Joe Newsum and his website is Stratechi.com.
[Read more…] about Strategy FrameworksBookmarks 57
Weekly Bookmarks
57th Edition — March 8, 2020
Bookmarks 56
Weekly Bookmarks
56th Edition — March 1, 2020
Bookmarks 55
Weekly Bookmarks
55th Edition — February 23, 2020
3 Great Obscure Business Books
I like reading books that most others overlook. But that doesn’t mean I’m good at finding these nuggets of gold. Periodically, I get lucky. And that happened recently when I was doing some unique sorts on America’s (or your country’s) store for books.
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