When did you start using Excel, and how did you learn it? Jeff Lenning is the founder of Excel University. He discusses the mistakes he sees in Excel workbooks, the differences between formal and informal training, and why both are critical. We walk down memory lane, discussing when we started using Excel and our favorite functions inside this powerful application. Finally, we tip our cap to two famous Excel MVPs and explain why we do so.
Episode Highlights
- A funny Excel story weighing around 40 pounds.
- The reason Jeff’s story starts with pizza.
- Jeff’s journey to Excel University.
- The mistake Jeff sees over and over again.
- Experts vs. power users vs. users.
- Oh my! Errors.
- The problems in using Excel as a management system.
- Formal vs. informal training (Jeff’s take on this is outstanding).
- A tip of the cap to yesterday’s Excel influencers.
- Jeff’s favorite Excel functions and tools.
The Excel MVP Hall of Fame
Yes, we’re biased, but Jeff should have his own wing in the Excel MVP Hall of Fame if CFO Bookshelf ever creates such a monument. Below are a few names both of us would add:
- Charley Kyd – ExcelUser
- Bill Jelen – MrExcel
- Purna Duggirala – Chandoo
- Jon Peltier – Peltier Tech Blog
- Robert Mundigl – Clearly and Simply
I also want to tip my cap to Michael Alexander, who used to write a fun and engaging blog called Bacon Bits (no longer available). The blog was part of Data Pig Technologies, and the Excel how-to articles were phenomenal.
An honorable mention also goes to the vastly underrated Excel stars Lee Hudspeth and Timothy-James Lee. Even though I started using Excel when it was first available on the Mac, I didn’t read my first Excel book from cover to cover until I read their book, The Underground Guide to Excel 5.0 for Windows. Funny, sarcastic, and packed with great ideas that I still use today.
Books Mentioned
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Episode Pairings

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