Don’t ask me how, but I never took a psychology course while obtaining two different degrees at a liberal arts university. Accordingly, I may be the very last person who should share a book list about psychology books for people like you and me. My task is impossible but think of this as an ideas booklist.
7 Rock-Solid Psychology Books for Business Readers
Let’s start with my favorite, and it’s a classic – Influence by Robert Cialdini. Marketers should especially read this. If you work in sales, ditto. So should the rest of us. Don’t expect this to be a one-and-done book. You’ll read it more than once.

Behavioral economics is a relatively new field of study. Who hasn’t read Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow. My other pick which reads a bit faster (or so it seems) is Ariely’s Predictably Irrational. I like both of them, but Ariely’s is a bit more accessible in my view.

The Whole Brain Business Book by Hermann is the only title in this list that I have not read from cover to cover as it’s dense with content. If you like psychology books and have an antilibrary, then this book belongs on the list. Also, if you are a fan of personality profiles, expect to gain more insights into the way the brain works.

Emotional Intelligence or Grit or both. Both are good. Duckworth’s book is the easier read, and recency bias might tilt the edge toward that title. Both are worthy reads on this topic.

Is Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz considered pop psychology? Regardless, this belongs on the list.

I give The Power of Habit 5 out of 5 stars, and it was one of my favorite reads in 2018.

The last title might seem odd, but it’s a somewhat close fit with Influence mentioned earlier. I used to read Copyblogger regularly, one one of their writers kept quoting one of the author’s line. I finally got copy, and it belongs on this list.

Two More Pscychology-related Books for Business Professionals
I have two more books which could both possibly stand the test of time:
- Thinking In Bets by Annie Duke, and
- Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
Now it’s your turn. What books did I leave off of the list? As I mentioned, this is an impossible task. Remember, I never took a psychology course.
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