Every financial leader should be reading Drucker. If you have not read any of his books, I’d start with The Effective Executive. You’ll find he was way ahead of his time.
The Introduction Is Great Coaching
Recently, I was visiting with the COO of one of my favorite clients. She was needing input on getting her team more engaged and proactive with work that needs to be done.
I just happened to have my paperback of The Effective Executive with me. I opened the Introduction and showed her the attributes of a great executive:
- They asked, “What needs to be done.”
- They asked, “What is right for the enterprise?”
- They developed action plans.
- They took responsibility for decisions.
- They took responsibility for communicating.
- They were focused on opportunities rather than problems.
Team Impact
- They ran productive meetings.
- They thought and said “we” rather thank “I.”
The point that I made with the above list is that these actions are not just for executives. They are for everyone–you, your staff, everyone.
I think she liked this list. She took a picture of the page to keep for herself.
Next Steps
When you read The Effective Executive, take some time to reflect on this section. What do you need to work on? How about those you lead? Can the list above help you to be a better mentor or coach to your team?
Please, don’t skip the Introduction of this great book.

Title Photo Credit: Marketa
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