The objective of Topgrading® is finding, acquiring, onboarding, and keeping A-players. However, what is the Topgrading® equivalent of entrepreneur A-players? I don’t think there is one, but perhaps we need a definition for Entrepreneur Upskilling.
[Read more…] about Entrepreneur UpskillingThe Wisdom of Finance
CFO Bookshelf places The Wisdom of Finance by Mihir A. Desai in its top 25 non-fiction list in the business books genre. The Wisdom of Finance is the pairing of complex subjects in finance with literature, history, poetry, and movies. Not only is the book educational, but I found it entertaining, too. If you are looking for a how-to book, this is not it. But the concepts you will learn will last a lifetime in your mind.
[Read more…] about The Wisdom of FinanceEmpire Builder
One of the best books we’ve read on private equity is by Adam Coffey, whom we interviewed two years earlier. The title is ThePrivate Equity Playbook. Adam’s newest book is based on a two-day presentation he gave on how to roll up an industry purposely and effectively. He turned his 300-plus page slide deck into the book Empire Builder: The Road to a Billion. Key themes include how to build and finance an empire-building business endeavor.
[Read more…] about Empire BuilderThe Dunkin’ Donuts Growth Story
I am not a customer of Dunkin’ Donuts, so I know very little about their origin story. When Around the Corner, Around the World hit my reading radar, I was intrigued and was compelled to read it. I was pleasantly surprised because the book is a mini MBA on how to grow a small business into an international brand. Bruce Reed calls the book a masterclass in smart growth and thoughtful leadership.
[Read more…] about The Dunkin’ Donuts Growth StoryThe Business of Pirating
I had never considered the business aspects of pirating until I read Katherine Howe’s newest book, A True Account: Hannah Masury’s Sojourn Amongst the Pyrates, Written by Herself. Dreams, mission statements, culture building, profit sharing, and a code of conduct and core values are some business aspects we learn in this fast-moving novel I read in two evenings. Katherine discusses the characters and the dual timelines in this historical novel set in the 1600s and 1930s.
[Read more…] about The Business of PiratingThe Phoenix Project
I’d pick The Phoenix Project if I could only recommend one book to a CEO, CFO, or COO about the essentials or the heart of IT in a heartbeat. Gene Kim is one of the co-authors of this remarkable book. In this conversation with Gene, we address The Three Ways, the four types of work, internal audit, the role of IT security, and why this novel has universal appeal across all industries and all professions.
[Read more…] about The Phoenix ProjectQuick Value
I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard the following question, “Mark, I’ve heard my industry EBITDA multiple is 5x. What do you think?” Many CEOs think their business value is based on a simple equation. When the book Quick Value by Reed Phillips hit my radar, I bought it immediately. Reed’s process for valuing a private company is a simple but powerful method that should be completed annually by an internal leadership team.
[Read more…] about Quick ValueThroughput Planning, Reporting, and Analysis
“Here, Mark, I think this book will help.” I will be forever thankful for Stuart Varner of a small injection molding company in Poynette, WI, recommending The Goal by Goldratt as I started working on my first manufacturing project early in my finance career. For years, I waited for the perfect book on Throughput planning, reporting, and analysis. Not only is Throughput Economics thorough, but it’s readable. Visiting with one of the authors was a treat.
[Read more…] about Throughput Planning, Reporting, and AnalysisThe Psychology of Pricing
If you have read any books on pricing, the title that stands out is Hermann Simon’s Confessions of The Pricing Man. However, suppose you are looking for a book that includes nearly every pricing tactic ever used in business. In that case, I’d start with Handbook on the Psychology of Pricing by Dr. Markus Husemann-Kopetzky. While this book is for the hardcore marketer and CMO, CEOs, and CFOs will also gain valuable insights from this highly readable book.
[Read more…] about The Psychology of Pricing100 Baggers
I’ve read many books on investing, and after reading about a dozen in this genre, the content grows repetitive and even tiresome. Periodically, a new title will rise from the crowd in this busy book category. That’s the case for 100 Baggers by Chris Mayer, published in 2015. In addition to a catchy title, the book hits a home run with its sound business advice and a solid framework that’s even relevant for CEOs, CFOs, and COOs.
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