If you think I’m going to tell you that you should be reading more, I will not. That’s a discipline you have to create for yourself. Can you learn without reading? Yes, but you are putting yourself at a disadvantage. If you are not a reader, hopefully, my reading list will inspire, maybe.
[Read more…] about Revisiting the April 2019 Reading ListBookmarks 13
Weekly Bookmarks
13 – May 5, 2019
Bookmarks 12
Weekly Bookmarks
12 – April 28, 2019
Is There a Formula for Change?
What change do you hate the most? For me, that’s probably changing a bad attitude into a happy one when I don’t feel like it. Resistance to change, any kind of change, is probably the most powerful force on the planet. Wouldn’t it be cool if a measurement process existed for those changing?
[Read more…] about Is There a Formula for Change?How to Negotiate a $44,000 Pay Decrease
Think back to your last job change. How much did your pay increase? More than $10,000? How about more than $25,000? What if I told you that you were leaving the company run by the most revered CEO in the U.S. for another important position elsewhere?
[Read more…] about How to Negotiate a $44,000 Pay DecreaseBookmarks 11
Weekly Bookmarks
11 – April 21, 2019
Bookmarks 10
Weekly Bookmarks
10 – April 14, 2019
Great Business Reads in the 1990s
When you think of the 1990s, what quickly pops into your mind? Cheers, bulky cell phones, mood rings, low-fat packaged foods, Die Hard, combat boots, or President Clinton? Personally, I’d add parenthood, coaching youth sports, and career building to my short list.
[Read more…] about Great Business Reads in the 1990sFrom Failing to Failure
Millions of readers purchased Built to Last and Good to Great. Can you name any books focusing on business failure? Is business failure a term you even search for in your favorite web browser? Let me suggest that we can learn as much about failure than we can from the successes of others.
[Read more…] about From Failing to FailureBookmarks 09
Weekly Bookmarks
09 – April 7, 2019