When John Rossman is not busy delivering keynote addresses to large audiences or consulting with brands we recognize, he’s writing. John is making his third appearance on the show after discussing two of his other successful books: The Amazon Way and Big Bet Leadership. John’s newest project is a 54-page manifesto entitled The Pig, The Lipstick, and The Playbook of Champions. It shows organizations how to escape their self-created world of mediocrity.
Interview Highlights
- The Pig icebreaker – knowing about vs. knowing
- Mark’s continued praise of The Amazon Way
- Revisiting John’s early years – a story of inspiration and resilience
- How Amazon escaped mediocrity mental entrapment
- Mark’s favorite question: Will we still be relevant in 5 years?
- John’s playbook launch is a manifesto (it’s free!)
- Perfection – striving or attaining
- Humility and the rugged individualist
- Big ideas in the playbook
- The overt benefit of applying the manifesto
- See page 47 for validation of the key ideas
- John’s dramatic difference in his playbook compared to others
Download the Playbook
Uncover the bold truths of modern business leadership in The Pig, the Lipstick, and the Playbook of Champions. The playbook is available at Rossman Partners
John Rossman’s Bookshelf
Important Links
- John’s consulting firm – Rossman Partners
- John’s personal website
- The Digital Leader Newsletter
- John’s LinkedIn profile
Episode Pairings

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