As we observe the DNA behind some of our favorite CEOs, patterns will start to surface. Some are natural at scaling companies to new levels. And then there are the stories of Phil Knight, Jeff Bezos, Reid Hoffman, and Sara Blakely who started with a kernel of an idea and went on to launch brands that are household names. In this episode, we learn about a new leadership framework that defines the unique abilities of impactful leaders.
Who is Bob Jordan?
Bob is the co-founder of InterimExecs based in Chicago. Previously, he launched and later sold the first global Internet-coverage magazine which ultimately landed on the Inc. 500 list of fastest-growing companies.
His newest book is Right Leader, Right Time which he co-authored with Olivia Wagner. He released How They Did It: Billion Dollar Insights from the Heart of America in 2010. He was also the publishing partner for the bestselling book, Start with No: The Negotiating Tools that the Pros Don’t Want You to Know by Jim Camp.

Interview Highlights
- The origin story
- The FABS framework – fixers, artists, builders, strategists
- The self-discovery of FABS
- Dilution, detours, delusion
- Fixers are wired for turnarounds
- Artists are the rarest
- Builders take teams to new levels
- Strategists work at scale
- Correlations with the cognitive, affective, and conative parts of the mind
… only about 5 to 10 percent of us have a genetic predisposition to become leaders. About 90% of leaders are in the wrong job. And when it comes to sustained growth, 86 out of 100 leaders fail.
Right Time, Right Leader (Jordan and Wagner)
Can You Pick Their Dominant FABS Leadership Style?
- Ed Stack
- Bill McDermott
- Jamie Dimon
- Hunter Harrison
- Alfred Sloan
- Alan Mulally
- Peter Thiel
Partial DNA of Each Leadership Style
The Fixer – They decimate best practices in favor of what works for the company. A word closely associated with fixers – velocity.
The Artist – They are nonconformists who look at the world as their canvas. They are driven to create.
The Builder – Ceilings exist to be broken through and continually set and reset best practices as they are addicted to fast growth and driven to complete the next climb.
The Strategist – Cadence is their mantra and are viewed as captains, directors, quarterbacks, or conductors. They are masters at getting buy-in to a bigger mission and vision.
Favorite Book
We ask every guest about their favorite books. Without hesitation, Bob mentioned that his favorite is The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life by David Brooks.

Relevant Links
- InterimExecs Website
- The InterimExecs Leadership Program
- Sign-up for the Leadership Style Assessment
- Bob Jordan – LinkedIn profile
- Olivia Wagner – LinkedIn profile
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