What would happen if a business-minded Encylopedia Brown entered the busy line of movie patrons waiting impatiently for soda and popcorn? This perspective guided Clarke Ching in writing his latest book, The Bottleneck Detective. The short story offers a straightforward and enjoyable reading experience, focusing on identifying bottlenecks and understanding their subsequent effects on bottleneck detection. Mark explores Clarke’s FoCCCus™ framework and whether bottleneck detection is a learned skill or an innate talent.
Episode Highlights
1. The Book’s Origin Story
- Clarke’s reading of The Goal in 1996
- Reading everything on The Theory of Constraints
- Experimenting with solving problems using bottleneck thinking
2. A Quick Rabbit Hole
- Not Diehard, but The Lord of the Rings
- The beauty of New Zealand
- Peter Jackson’s gift to the country
3. Billy the Protagonist
- The book for Goldratt fans
- Billy is based on Encyclopedia Brown
- Bottlenecks at the cinema
- ChatGPT and fiction
- Finding bottlenecks
- Crimes, embezzlement, and a happy ending
4. An Outsider’s View
- “Fresh eyes see what others cannot.”
- The requirement of curiosity
- They point out the obvious
5. Is bottleneck detection a skill?
- As a young practitioner, the process is slow
- Practice leads to improvement
- Being careful about false bottlenecks
- Clever bottlenecks like to hide
- Be aware of bottleneck bias
6. The Best Definition of a Bottleneck
- A resource that cannot keep up with demand
- Mark’s additional idea: unavoidable vs. avoidable
- But we still need people like Mike to operationalize bottleneck issues
7. FoCCCus™
- Finding
- Starting again (continuous looping)
- Coordinate (more left brain)
- Update (do not start here, a temptation)
- Collaborate (when a team is involved
- Currate
- The reason Clarke does not use the term ‘exploit’
8. The Empty Seat
- The reason marketing or the market can be a bottleneck
- A fascinating Goldratt story that includes capacity
- While creating capacity, the need to create demand
9. The Bottleneck Game
- Bonobos
- Redbox
- Hyundai
10. Books Mentioned
- CorkScrew Solutions: Learn the 4-Step Process ALL Great Leaders Use to Solve Impossible Problem
- Six Lessons: My Sixty-Minute Masterclass with Eli Goldratt
- The Bottleneck Rules: The Go-To Guide to Eli Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints (TOC) and his Business Novel ‘The Goal’ (Theory of Constraints Simplified)
- Rolling Rocks Downhill: The Agile+ToC Business Novel (Theory of Constraints Simplified)
- Rocks Into Gold: The Classic Agile+ToC Parable
- Made to Stick
In this one-hour adventure, you'll discover how Billy cracked his first case: a mysterious productivity killer quietly draining the life from the Starlight Cinema. While others blamed staff shortages, poor marketing, and tough competition, Billy saw something different—a hidden bottleneck stealing profits right under everyone's nose.
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