On a personal and professional level, Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People by Carnegie was transformational. Carnegie would have loved Nick Gray’s The 2-Hour Cocktail Party because it explains how, when, and where to connect with other people, which can lead to lifelong friendships. This book is relevant to any financial and business leader; Nick nails it when he says, “Networking is the key to success in every career or business.”
Episode Highlights
- The best blog posts about Strategic Coach
- Museum Hacking explained
- A book not about cocktails but relationship-building
- The reason college seniors should read this (high school, too)
- The illustrator in this book is phenomenal, Fru Pinter
- The reason introverts struggle to build new relationships after a move to a new city
- Mark loves the icebreaker rounds
- Other party tactics – name tags, food, beverages, the harmonica, and the length
- The reason these parties can replace holiday events
- Nick’s term – barties
- The reason parties don’t last all evening
- Mondays and weekends are out
- The secret to RSVPs
- Kids or no kids?

Mark’s Take
Let me get right to the point. Nick Gray is awesome. Before I hit record for the interview, Nick asked, “Mark, how can I help you?” I don’t know Nick personally, but I’m betting this is how he is around friends and family, continually seeking ways to be helpful to others.
I found Nick’s work by accident. I want every client I work with to attend Strategic Coach. I loved the three years I attended and want CEOs to experience what I did. Through a Google search, I found Nick’s comprehensive and valuable posts on Strategic Coach, and I now send these links to CEOs I work with.
I can’t just single out my favorite post. Here’s a partial list of my favorites:
- Here’s the complete list in one post – Strategic Coach Reviews with Dan Sullivan
- What Happens in a Strategic Coach Workshop? Okay, this is probably my favorite.
- Unique Ability Review – brilliant, but read the post on Kolbe next as they go hand in hand. Nick, could you tell I’m an 8822?
- I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve recommended the book/audio program for The D.O.S. Conversation®. It’s the best people tool I’ve ever used, and I probably apply it daily. I’m glad Nick included an article on this power mental construct.
- Stephanie Song – that’s not the title of this post, but she’s pictured in this article, my favorite person at Strategic Coach.
- Dan is the frameworks king and Impact Filters, The Largest Check, Experience Transformers, reveals why this is true.
- 10x Workshop Notes – if only every CEO could attend at least one of these sessions.
As I was reading Nick’s content, I learned about a unique business he created and later sold. Let’s have Nick explain this extraordinary business in his own words:
And if that video is not enough, watch this one too on his YouTube channel. By the way, I’d love to hear Steve Blank and Eric Ries riff on this improbable but wildly successful business model.
Ultimately, my reading of Nick Gray led to his book, which is as creative as Museum Hack. I am forever thankful to Ash Smith for helping make this interview a reality.
Important Links
- How to Introduce Two People via Email: Sample Scripts
- 9 Career Day Speech and Presentation Ideas
- Party Times: Start, End, & Best Times
- Icebreaker Name Tags: Examples and How to Do It RIGHT
- How to Host an Event: Parties & Networking
- Where to Throw a Party? Ideas and Venues for 2023
- Icebreaker Activities for Your Next Event
- Nick Gray’s Personal Website
- Friendship Recession Website
- 7 Small Trade Show Booth Ideas for 2023
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