I believe there are three reasons we read books: to learn, to be inspired, or to be entertained.

I consider it a bonus when I read a business-related book serving two of the roles, such as learning something new and being entertained. I believe that’s why Goldratt’s The Goal was such a great book. We were fully engrossed in the story while learning core concepts such as bottlenecks, constraints, and throughput. Find a book that includes all three roles between the covers, then you have a classic for life.
The goal of CFO Bookshelf for financial business leaders is to provide suggestions and recommendations that hit upon these essential roles of books.
Additionally, I hope the content on this site will give you many ideas on how to get the most out of reading, and not just with business books, but other great works that can impact the continued growth of your profession.
Learning and understanding are the end results of reading. Accordingly, reading is not the end, it’s a means to something far better–a renewed mind that leads to action. However, the act of reading takes time and effort. Hopefully, this site can play the role of coach and mentor along this life journey.
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