I stumbled upon John Seddon’s website, The Vanguard Method, a few years ago. At the time, I read every page, post, and short tutorial in one sitting. I followed that binge-reading with his book, Beyond Command and Control, which is the topic for this episode. John teaches us about failure demand, break-fix systems, the destructive nature of arbitrary targets, and budget management. We also gain greater insights into outside-in thinking through a systems mindset.
Interview Highlights
- “The curious person goes and finds out more about themselves.”
- “Mankind invented management. We can change it, so let’s change it for the better.”
- Thinking differently as an occupational psychologist.
- Inspiration from Deming and Out of the Crisis.
- What’s worse, commanding or controlling inside the organization?
- The opposite of command and control.
- Failure demand – a definition and an example.
- The use and role of targets.
- Incentives and profit sharing.
- The 3Cs of a cost mindset.
- Mental models and their impact on benchmarking.
- What is industrial tourism?

Books Mentioned
- Out of the Crisis – Deming
- Beyond Budgeting – Hope and Fraser
- The Fifth Discipline – Senge
- Punished by Rewards – Kohn
- Any book by Russell L. Ackoff
Important Links
- Vanguard Consulting website
- The Vanguard Method YouTube channel
- The first video Mark watched about The Vanguard Method
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